Saturday, October 28, 2006

why i'm stupid

u know, i should have been documenting and complaining to my school every time something went wrong.

my english teacher never answered emails... gave me an F for no reason (the assignment was awesome and complete and in on time)

my math teacher never actually taught me anything. if i asked her questions she would say "go to or check out the course materials" neither of which helped. but she didn't care.

my psychology teacher would not accept anything i cited, stating i cited it wrong... even though i was using the school resources as examples and generating citations on a website that the school told me to go to.

my presentations teacher is demanding that i complete a group assignment by myself, because my group left me out of all the decisions and completed the assignment without me. i don't get an extension and it's due tonight before i even get home from work.

my student advisor is supposed to help me with my Academic achievement plan, but all she does is send me form emails and call me once a week to inform me of the last time i was in class, and the assignments i am missing... two things that i already know. she does nothign to acutally help me "achieve".

is it too late to write to the dean... or someone and let them know that all this happened. the reason i have the student advisor is because i failed a class... the reason i failed the class is because my english teacher gave me that f.

they are at fault for causing my decrease in motivation towards school. i had a's and b's at the beginning. now i'm struggling to make d's... and that does not feel good.

i'm so pissed. at them... and at me

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