Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Big day today. My boyfriend got me the twilight princess game for the gamecube for our anniversary in february. i disliked the game from the start, but since i am a die hard fan of Zelda games i kept at it... slowly. for months at a time it would lie untouched while i played other games and focused on my crafting instead.

today i beat it and it was quite anti-climactic. throughout the entire game i found the puzzles in the dungeons to be just too difficult, while the bosses themselves were far to easy. In previous games i would stock up on supplies, including at least one red potion, and one fairy before even thinking of opening the big door that lead to the boss.

i did so on the second boss of the game, and still had the same fairy and red potion when i finally arrived at the big door to the third boss. I distincly remember that the bosses in previous games, while easy to determine their weaknesses, were somewhat difficult to actually beat. This game, not so much.

Add to that the fact that i didn't really understand the premis of the game or Midna's role compeltely. or the fact that i could only be wolf in twilight and human in light during the beginning of the game, but if i warped out as a wolf into the light, i did not change. that doesn't make any sense! (and probably makes sense to no one who has not played it... trust me though, it doesn't make sense :P)

I went into the Gannon's lair with one red potion and one fairy, the fairy i used on the 2 warriors right outside his room. at one point i collected another fairy, but i came nowhere near using it, or even dying. i didn't even bother to use my magic armor, of which i had plenty of money to use with it.

pooh, i'm sort of sad. i probably won't play it again, whereas i have played the previous games countless times over the years since i beat them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha. the last time i played zelda, i was 12! i can't believe they are still making newer versions...