Saturday, August 05, 2006


so why do people shut down when they encounter something that is unknown to them. not only do they not want to know what the new thing is, they don t want to know anything about it that may help the new thing to become less intimidating.
change is not really intimidating. open mindedness either. i just don't understand why it's so hard for people to be open to different and new things.

i can't even count the nbr of times that i explain how to use and what relay is and someone will still be bitching about it in the background to their friends/family they don t know what's going on, they don't understand why the person can't call them. and they don't listen to what the person is saying to them so that they might understand, and they end up hanging up in frustration. makes me crazy.

i'm reading watership down right now. first time. i've been wanting to for years and finally lili convinced me. it's damn good and it's a slow read but i'm almost half way through.

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