Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Discovery and the History Channel

i've been watching a lot of both. i get into kicks where i watch those stations non stop - or maybe it's just that those shows run a bunch of great shows and then a bunch i'm not interested... whatever the reason, i'm watching now.

most recently i have seen the underground tombs and tunnels in various cities in europe, learned how sodom and ghomora could have happened, and they may know what city it is, one on the lost city of atlantis.

I even saw the one about the titanic and the almost/sort of conspiricy concerning the joint where it broke... i actually didn't watch this one on purpose, but edward herrmann was narrating it and i LOVE him. i left it on to listen to his voice, and it ended up being really really interesting.

I saw two different episodes about mars too, and those were really great. even though i can never be an astronomer, being much too right brained i can't wrap my mind around the science behind it all. One mars episode was why and how mars died, very soon after finishing the process of becoming (how sad!), and the second was about how they have a plan to go to mars and study it, and then how to terraform it later... it's a super cool idea and i would love to be alive to see it. i really feel that we need to unite as a planet before that can happen. we all just need to agree to disagree - simple logic, but it's true.

oh, and i love mike rowe. i love him very very much. i have started watching deadliest catch again, not because i like the show (though it did make me cry the other day when one of the ships saved a guy who went overboard on a ship near them) but because mike rowe narrates it. mmmm.... mike rowe... i've seen so many dirty jobs look appealing because of him.

... by the way, i'm either surfing etsy, or working on a project for etsy while these shows are on... i'm getting something accomplished while i'm watching tv... i swear!! you believe me right?...

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