Wednesday, May 14, 2008

30 Days of Dammit Dolls - Day One and Two

for a couple days last week i made several dammit dolls, one right after the other. As i was finishing one up i realized how cool it would be to do one every day for a year.

then i realized that doing one a year would be a bit insane and i dropped it down to one month. I really enjoy making dammit dolls, they're a great way to spend a morning or my shift at work when i don't feel like reading.
i'm not really sure why i want to do this, it seems a little bit like a journey... maybe a journey is what i need right now.

Anyway here's the plan: Dammit Dolls made the way i always make them. Each one will have all the features of a dammit doll that makes them loveable, from ugly fabric, to mismatched button eyes, to yarn hair. These 30 will be unique though.

Inside each one will be a secret. something that only The dammit doll and I know. Upon purchase the owner of the dammit doll will have the choice to find out what the secret is. It may be a note, or an object, or something else entirely. i am hoping that the secret will reveal something interesting about life, or just dammit doll thoughts - which are interesting on their own.
I am not sure if i will sell them all, and I definitely won't list them every day in my etsy shop otherwise it'll be over run by dammit dolls. But i will try to return to blog about the doll of the day every day, since that's probably an important part of the journey. If you see the doll you like keep an eye on my shop for it!

anyhow I have already begun.
Yesterday, May 13th was Day One. I used this tealish greenish flowered canvas fabric i found in the scrap bin to make Amy. She is stitched with lavender thread, her hair is shades of brown red, white and green. She has one wooden eye button and one that is plain white. She's the tall version of dammit doll, standing about a foot and a half tall. She is stuffed with a mix of fabric scraps and polyester fiberfil.
on her back is my signature, a pair of R's, and then she is numbered 1 for the day.

Today May 14th was day two, and I created Lenore from a thin white fabric with decorative embroidery at the bottom. She is stitched with red. her hair is peach, pink and blueish purple. Her eyes are a curved purple circle and a pearly white square with a fancy gold border. She is stuffed with a mix of fabric scraps and polyester fiberfil.

on her back is my signature, a pair of R's, and then she is numbered 2 for the day.

Come back for Day 3, and for the rest of the month to come!!

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