Friday, December 19, 2008

Music I Just Bought - Fighting Aurora

To be fair, I must start out by saying that I did not actually buy Fighting Aurora's Acoustic EP album. It was given to me by the artist, a friend of my boyfriend. Fighting Aurora is Gordy. Gordy is cool. He used to deliver pizza for my boyfriend, and my boyfriend designed the album cover for Fighting Aurora's previous cd called 'Save it for a Rainy Day'. My boyfriend has never been a huge fan of Gordy's style, but I love it and I listen to Rainy Day all the damn time. I was totally stoked to get his new cd, just out of the blue. My boyfriend comes home and says "Gordy sent this for you."

woot! I heart you gordy!

anyhow. I like music for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes because its bad, sometimes because its unique, sometimes because I like one certain bass line, guitar riff, or drum beat. I like fighting aurora because he writes some really good music. I don't actually know most of the words to the songs because its the music I am listening to. That is something that doesn't happen often, since I'm a words girl. Coheed and Cambria I think is the last band I loved where it's about the music and not the words.

It's got layers and pretty pieces and stuff that's hidden unless you've got it up just loud enough to hear it all.

The new album is a bit too emo for my advanced age, but that doesn't mean its bad. It just means I'm not a teenager anymore *pouts*. Number 5 is my favorite - 'Nights Like These'. Its got the piano and the violins and I can't resist that stuff.

Thank you gordy!

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