Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Book I Just Read - If Chins Could Kill

I was at Halfprice books and I decided I wanted to get Charlie Chaplin's biography, since I had just seen the movie Chaplin. I was looking at the shelf and there was really nothing there that was book like. Just some big tall picture-y books. It made me sad and as I turned away my eye caught on some really big blocky letters reading "bruce campbell"

I didn't even consider not buying it. Never even crossed my mind to look at the price, it could have cost 30 dollars and I would have paid. Same as when I found that awesome old copy of Peter Pan in Kennsignton Gardens. it's a compulsion.

So, for the past few days when I wasn't killing my wrist and shoulder trying to finish Nanowrimo I have been reading the hilarious Autobiography of Bruce Campbell. If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor.

I've been a fan of his since I was 8 or so and my dad took me to see Army of Darkness. We watched Brisco, and I watched Xena and Hercules only when he was on. I love him, I lust after him.

The book is great, starting out in his childhood and adventures with his brother all the way through the end of Hercules. The narrative style is so great, just like a string of anecdotes and silly stories. I think I giggled at least once per page, laughed quite out loud every chapter. I learned a lot I didn't know, and got a really interesting look into not just movie making, but doing it all yourself. Its such a great journey he has had and I was enthralled with the telling from start to finish. I've been dropping little factoids on my boyfriend the past few days... I think I'm starting to drive him nuts!

And of course it put me in the mood to watch Evil Dead, so I ran out and got the second one on dvd so I could watch them all, since we already own the other two. I just have to say that I don't quite understand the point of Evil Dead 2. I mean why would any man in his right mind return to the crazy cabin where all his friends died, with a new girlfriend (with the same name as his dead girlfriend), and play the same recording without remembering what had happened? It makes no sense to me.

Regardless, Evil Dead 2 is my favorite of the two. It seems to have been a movie all about Bruce Campbell beating the shit out of himself, and that's well worth the confusing plot continuity.

Back to the book. It rocks!!

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