Monday, December 01, 2008


So I have started a blog on you can find me here:

its the perfect environment for a crafty blog so i'm moving my restlessly random crafting side over there. i'm still restlessly random the writer, reader, and music listener and a lover of talking about these things.

my boyfriend isn't much for reading so i have no one to talk books about, and i really enjoyed the posts i did about books. the books that changed my life, and the review of the mists of avalon. so that's what i'm gonna do here now.

talk about my reading and my writing.


To start i'd like to talk about the National Novel Writing Month for 2008. Throughout the month of november i was writing like a mad woman to expell 50 thousand count 'word vomit' as my auntie-mommhy would call it. I did it. I reached the goal with a few hours to spare. i didn't finish the story, but i won't be giving up on it. Look over on the right side there and you see that i got my little picture for winning, and it's got a pirate ship on it which rules. Go to the site here: you can even read an excerpt from my story (yes there are spelling and grammatical errors. the point is to get the words down as quickly as possible and worry about editing later).

It was a great adventure, and i love that i was able to stick with it and actually reach the goal, especially when, with 4 days to go i was still short 15,000 words. it also got me away from my huge as-yet unnamed fantasy masterpiece at the perfect moment. things had been getting a little foggy in that land and i was having trouble tracking. after a month of not thinking about my other world i can't wait to go back with all the extra little bits i've come up with that make my story just that much tighter.

its funny that, at the moment, the unnamed story is sitting at just over 50 thousand as well... but it took me probably about 4 months to get that far, and i was working from a handwritten draft.

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