Friday, September 26, 2008

Reason 896 Why I love Matt


i was sitting here at the computer browsing and pretending to do homework, and i was hungry. I know we have little in the way of quick food in the house, and i didn't feel like scrounging so i decided that i just wouldn't eat (healthy, i know) but then i suddenly remembered!! matt brought me home a pizza last night!! a whole pizza!! all for me!!

he doesn't bring home pizza as often as you might think for a person who works in pizza (or maybe you would think it if you knew he's been with the company for 9 years) but every so often i ask and he does and it makes me happy all over the place.

i was already in bed when he got home last night, so i completely forgot about it. but now i'm eating it and it's GOOOOOOD!!

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