Saturday, August 12, 2006

migranes and work

today i had a migrane and today i had to work. i put my hood on my sweater up over my eyes so i could be blocked from the bright lights so i could feel better and finish my shift.

there's this stupid rule about we can't wear anything on our heads... any head covering of any sort. and while i understand and follow this rule - today i had a migrane... and not only that, my supervisor saw me with it, asked me what was wrong, and said ok, that's fine.

but then i get back from break and the lop (lead operator) and the traffic guy attacks me about it. i got upset because i was already in pain and i really don't think it's fair to attack someone who has a valid excuse and an ok from the boss...

i tweaked on them. i told them that i get cronic migranes and if they want me to put down my hood then i'd have to leave because i wouldn't be able to open my eyes.

i eventually got cut - i dont know if because of the migrane or because they decided to cut - but i was still pretty upset. i was actually in the bathroom half crying talking on the phone with matt when judy came in and told me.

my sup asked me what was wrong and i told him and he just stopped listening. he's like 'they were kidding sara'. which is bull. maybe for the traffic guy but not for the lop. i know when he's mad and i know when he's joking. and he wasn't joking.

i just don't like to be attacked. especially when i'm in pain

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