Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why selling ur soul to Satan shouldn't be so frowned upon

Can u see anything but benefits for selling ur soul to Satan. for the price of something u hardly notice anyway u recieve something great of ur choice that will end up making u fabulosly happy in the chosen life that you could never dream to acheive without the paying the price to the king of the underworld.

because living a life like that... because that's what it is - its a life... and it's wonderful in every way, and its a party from start to finish up until ur death where u pay the price. but isn't it worth it. living the crap out of ur life in a way that most people would never achieve and then spending "eternity" in the heat?

wouldn't you rather live a life that, as youre paying it off, you can still look back and say "Damn!" u know... rather than looking back at some mediocre life while you're living for "eternity" in the happiest place u can be. what's happy about that?

Someone tell me i'm wrong.

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