Thursday, August 17, 2006

Restlessly Random

i have all these thoughts about these projects that i can do. from the train clock for my dad, and the afghan for my step-mom... and things made out of things... and stuff.

and now i realize that that sounds very vauge like i don t know what's actually going on, but truley. there's so much, and i would love to make and sell this stuff.

but the hard part is - small business is fucked (that guy on weeds told me so). but could i really start up an ebay business which i've been thinking about for the past few months. get a whole bunch of... something. like if i enjoy mosaics as much as i think i will once i do it... get a whole ton of supplies together and make 10 or 12 pieces and figure out a price and then set up a sellers acct on ebay. if nothing sells, maybe try something else. if stuff does sell, definately do other stuff that people would like.

i wanna screen print t-shirts. i could sell my "plane" t-shirts. something that most people think is pretty cool once i explain it... but still pretty cool anyway.

i want to do it. but can i?

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