Friday, August 10, 2007

I Finished my Edgar allen poe binder!!!

here's a picture of the full scene. it is all up and listed on click on the image over on the left in my etsy mini to check out the rest of the pictures and the description. And even purchase it if you happen to fall in love!

i am really proud of this one, and matt likes it a lot too. he keeps looking at it, and i think he really wants to keep it. when i ask him about it though, he says "no, list it, if it sells it sells". he told me to sell it for 100 trillion million dollars, which is about 100 trillion dollars more than he usually suggests i should sell things for :P

This here is a picture that my man took the other day of the cats and their new friend Carl the pigeon. Carl has been visiting for the past two days and is making the cats crazy with hunting lust. the photo itself is really great. Matt usually just points and clicks, not caring about framing, light, or anything, but this one is really quite pretty. he added a painted filter in photo shop and it cleared up Bub-z's reflection in the glass a little bit and it looks really nice

Also, speaking of birds - in a thread in the etsy etc forum the other day a lovely girl said the nicest thing about my shop and my work... and i quote: "Hi RestlesslyRandom,I like your store. It looks like you are a poet! My block comes and goes, but it can be brutal. Glad I have stuff to make! " while talking about being a write/crafter and having writers block and whatnot.
It made me feel really happy and made me feel a little less crappy about never working on my story. it's beautiful, i can see it in my head, but it won't come out... apparently my writing mind still comes out in my craft so i'm not ignoring it completely after all :)

and back to the cutest felted birds ever! i love everything in irischacha's shop, especially the little rabbit. i am going to need to buy one of these eventually... like i need another stuffed animal in my house - i don't even know what to do with the ones I have right now :P But they are way too cute to pass up!

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