Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hello Blog

well, it's been a while since that last post and as i predicted the story has taken over my life. Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone, and there's a big gap in my list of the Songs currently playing in my car (though i haven't had a favorite song for a while), and store hasn't had a new item added in quite some time.

My computer's power cord broke so i had to buy a new one. got one off ebay for 3 dollars but the shipping was like 19 (they were all like that - cheap with high shipping - wtf?). pretty ridiculous, but one from dell would have been 60 plus shipping so i did good. took almost 3 weeks to get here from hong kong (the boy bid on it without checking where it was coming from). In those 3 weeks i did a lot of crafts.

In an effort to destash all the yarn i have sitting around in the house i crocheted. and then i crocheted some more.

this is a set of scarves i made, they all have the same pattern, but they are different colors. pretty, no?

this baby is a strange creation. circles all connected together into a scarf. it's not great for the cold cold days, but those mild (and recently very foggy) days are awesome for this baby!

This is Ella-Mae the dammit doll. My grandfather's aunt's name was ella mae and i've always loved the name. with the veggie patterned skin and giant fancy button eye i couldn't help but give her a name of an older woman. don't hit her too hard, her arthritis is a bitch!

This pair of tiny scarves were done with the last remnants of leftover yarn. you know the stuff that you don't have enough to do anything with, but there's more than you want to throw away. They're short and skinny and incredibly soft. I heart them both.

And three weeks is a long time. I also crocheted myself a sleeve for all my knitting needles, knitted myself the greatest little sweater wrap from yarn i got with the giftcard from my sister in law. I sewed the first draft of the winter dance dress for my sister. I got a lot done and i'm super proud.

yay me!

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