Sunday, July 27, 2008

69 Books in 365 Days

I started my job at captel ( ) captioning phone calls for the deaf and hard of hearing one year ago today (yesterday technically, but i haven't slept yet so it's still the 8th to me) . There is a significant amount of time given to the operators between calls, and the length of downtime directly relates to the length of the call. Sometimes downtime only lasts 30 seconds or a minute. Other times you may get 10 to 20. I work until 2am and around 11pm things quiet down so low that most breaks are 5-10 and it totally rocks!!

When I quit from verizon doing a simmilar job I realized I had read a ton of books, but didn't remember which ones, at all. So this time I wrote them all down. 69 of them in all. For my own entertainment I have listed the books below. That's slightly more than a book a week. And you can see that they weren't all nessecarily easy books. I read Ben-Hur!! and nearly the entire Shanara Epic...

So you see how much time there really is every day that i'm getting paid to do whatever I want. If I had spent all of my free time reading instead of crafting, and writing some days i'm sure i could have doubled that number.

I think i'm going to start again, and see if i can beat my record :P

Meredith Ann Pierce: 6
  1. The Dark Angel
  2. A Gathering of Gargoyles
  3. The Pearl of the Soul of the World
  4. The Firebringer
  5. Darkmoon
  6. The Son of Summer Stars

David Eddings: 10

  1. The Pawn of Prophesy
  2. Queen of Sorcery
  3. Magicians Gambit
  4. Castle of Wizardry
  5. Enchanter's Endgame
  6. Guardians of the West
  7. King of the Murgos
  8. Daemon Lord of Kandara
  9. Sorceress of Darshiva
  10. The Seeress of Kell

Terry Brooks: 16

  1. The Sword of Shanara
  2. The Elfstones of Shanara
  3. The Wishsong of Shanara
  4. Scions of Shanara
  5. The Druid of Shanara
  6. The Elf Queen of Shanara
  7. Talismans of Shanara
  8. The First King of Shanara
  9. Isle Witch
  10. Antrax
  11. Morgawr
  12. Jakara Ruus
  13. The Tanquil
  14. Straken
  15. Running with the Demon
  16. Knight of the Word

Nathanel Hawthorn: 1

  1. The Scarlet Letter

Angie Sage: 2

  1. Magyk
  2. Flyte

Kay Umanski: 1

  1. The Silver Spoon of Solomon Snow

Stephen King: 13

  1. Cell
  2. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
  3. The Gunslinger
  4. Drawing of the Three
  5. The Wastelands
  6. Wizard and Glass
  7. Wolves of the Calla
  8. Song of Susannah
  9. The Dark Tower
  10. Eyes of the Dragon
  11. The Talisman (with Peter Straub)
  12. Black House (with Peter Straub)
  13. Gerald's Game

Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus: 1

  1. The Nanny Diaries

Tom Robbins: 7

  1. Still Life With Woodpecker
  2. Skinny Legs and All
  3. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  4. Villa Incognito
  5. Fierce Invalids Returning from Hot Climates
  6. Jitterbug Perfume
  7. Another Roadside Attraction

John Irving: 1

  1. The Fourth Hand

J.M. Barrie: 2

  1. Peter Pan
  2. Peter Pan in Kennsington Gardens

Kurt Vonnegut: 3

  1. Cat's Cradle
  2. Galapagos
  3. Slapstick

Nick Hornsby: 2

  1. High Fidelity
  2. How to Be Good

Lew Wallace: 1

  1. Ben-Hur

Stephen R. Donaldson: 1

  1. Lord Foul's Bane

John Gardner: 1

  1. Grendel

Anthony Burgess: 1

  1. The Clockwork Orange

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