Sunday, July 27, 2008

So Long Since I've Posted

I made something that I am very proud of and I want to show it off. Back near when I first joined etsy I found a link in the forums somewhere detailing how to make your own body form to use for dressmaking or whatever else you need a form for. It was a simple technique of duct tape over a tshirt, and though I forgot to save the link (or deleted it since), I stored the information away in my brain.

I decided I was sick of modeling my own items in my store. Sometimes it's difficult to get the right photos, and sometimes I'm just not up to getting prettied up to do it.

So I made Eillim. She is named for my Alter Ego, Eillim Enaj (Millie Jane in reverse).

I got a great deal of help with her from my boyfriend who taped up my shoulders and back when I couldn't get to them, and then cut it off me when it was done. Her colors are completely incidental. I bought the two colors of duct tape meaning to vary the colors and make her really cool, but I ended up just using the brown until it was gone, then switching to the teal. I love the asymmetrical pattern that it created.

Her boobs are a bit lopsided, and her neck is funny looking but I don't care. She's already hanging out in my shop modeling some items:

I love her <3

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