Friday, September 05, 2008

Wednesday I Went to the Zoo

My love took me to the zoo on wednesday. He knows I've been feeling down lately, not myself, scratchy inside my skin. He said to me last sunday "How about wednesday we go to the zoo?" and I looked forward to it for the rest of the week.

There he is reading about camels and tigers. He likes to read all the signs, I just like to look at the animals.

I got to see the flamingos

and the giraffes

and i found the ninja frog

and then there were these guys. this is the reason i love the Vilas zoo here in madison. Where else can you see a fenced off pen with a pot bellied pig and Leroy, the Dwarf Zebu?

I figure these guys are like pinky and the brain. they gotta be buddies of the strangest kind. They're in this pen together, over in the corner by the giraffes and they just hang out all day together. I wonder what the pig's name is...

and finally, there was the otters and the seals. in my next life, i hope with all of my soul that i can be some kind of water mammal. otter, seal, walrus, hell, even a penguin would do. i want to spend my life in the water... but i don't wanna be a fish.

and after the zoo we went and swung on the swings and it was blissful. honestly. it was the best part of the day. it was neat too, because instead of woodchips or gravel in the play area it was shredded tires. it was Green, and it put a spring in your step...

1 comment:

missknits said...

wow what a great day!!