Friday, December 22, 2006


how come the only time i have been happy or able to cope with the whole matt mess is while i was watching the Voyager Marathon that was going on on Spike?

the only way i could get him off of my mind is when the delta quadrant consumed all of my attention. when commercials came on i had a problem not crying, but once the show was back, boy was he gone.

and every time that i had to stop watching it for some reason or another (going out for shopping, or going to work here at the end of the week) i've gotten thoroughly pissed off and sad.

it's too bad i can't watch it until the end of time so i don't have to deal with the breakup, and i don't have to deal with the fact that i don't know what i'm gonna do when and if this is over for good. because i can't bear to think about that.

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